So I'm a weekend late... but I had to get this up here!!
The Yamboree is a festival that Adam's hometown does every year. I've been many times in the 8 years that Adam and I have been together, but this year was by far one of the best. I guess its just more fun to do the kid stuff and generally its easy when you have kids :)
We started the weekend off with Adam's 10 year reunion. They always hold the reunions that weekend b/c so many people go home. Although isn't it weird that he really graduated 10 1/2 years ago? Anyway, the reunion was a lot of fun. I actually knew quite a few people because Adam's graduating class was only around 150 people so over the years and visits to his hometown I've met people. I was most excited to see my good friend, Megan (the person who did the pictures of the girls). Honestly, it wasn't weird or awkward to go to his reunion. I think I would have felt more out of place at mine. For those that don't know I graduated with a little over 1500 people (yes... 1500... largest graduating class in Texas in 2008!!). And yeah I knew a lot of people b/c I had been in that school district since I was in 2nd grade, but it was different at my school. Anyway, I'm totally off on a tangent... the reunion was fun. Food not so good. OH well can't win them all.
Adam and I leaving for the reunion. Adam's parents were so sweet and watched the girls for us!

And Megan and I... 2 cute girls :)
Saturday means parade time! And this is a cool parade. The best part is seeing the Yam Queen. Their gowns are BEAUTIFUL! Apparently they cost thousands of dollars!
Here is a view of the front
and the back
And here are 2 of my favorite parade watchers...
The rest of the day consisted of a nap, rides for Grace and the barn dance. Yes a dance in a barn... its actually a lot of fun. Here are a few of the pictures that Adam's parents took of Grace enjoying the rides.
Having fun. Funny that they every seat has steering wheels!

Oh and I almost forgot. Adam's parents had a Barbie Jeep at their house for Grace to play with. And oh did she love it. In fact today she kept asking to ride her Barbie Jeep. She is a seriously BAD driver. Hopefully by the time she is 16 she will better than she was last weekend!