Kaitlynn helping cut her mom's hair.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
bitter sweet
Kaitlynn helping cut her mom's hair.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
rain rain
Oh and I have to add that I got them on Amazon for $31 - tax, shipping and all!! Bargan since they retail for $80+!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Emma's half birthday!
Emma is really into pretend these days - playing with her baby dolls and putting them "night, night" or feeding them their bottles or even taking them for a stroller ride around the house - she loves it! She also loves playing house and with her little kitchen.
Emma loves books as well. Well, she really just loves to pull every single one off the shelf and thumb through them. She has gotten into bedtime story time most. We all cuddle up in Grace's bed and read a couple books every night. She loves being in her sister's big bed. I suspect that we might have to move her to a big girl bed before we know it. She just loves it!
Emma is also a little shatter box. I don't know exactly how many words she says but its a lot. I would say a good guess is that she is saying around 100 words. She tries to repeat nearly everything we ask her to and some things we don't. :)
Oh and I've almost forgotten - I think her hair might be starting to get curly. It's just doing this cute little flip up thing in the back and I love it. Maybe it will be curly like Gracie's hair?? Or maybe just a little body. Can't wait to see!
Emma's 18 month stats:
Height - 32 inches (61%)
Weight - 22.2 lbs (18%)
Head - 19 inches (90%)
Emma actually lost weight from 15-18 months... just seeming to get taller and leaner. Thankfully she only lost a few ounces (which could have been b/c of what she ate) so the doctor wasn't worried at all.
The doctor did say she is way ahead with her language development. He said its pretty common for kids with siblings, but its super exciting for us. :)
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
first day
Monday, September 07, 2009
I've always felt like I was doing the blog so that one day my girls would have a little record of their lives - well lately I just haven't had a lot to talk about.
Until today that is.
Okay so picture you are at the grocery store just shopping away and you notice that you cut someone off with your cart. You know this happens - its just apart of grocery shopping. So you quickly move and apologize over and over until the person you cut off says no problem or don't worry about it.
Well today I was asking the customer service desk a quick question and a lady was trying to get her cart through this little walk way and my cart was in the way. Well I didn't know it. But of course as soon as I realized that my cart was in the way I quickly pulled it out of the way and said "OH I'm so sorry". And the lady looks at me, with the meanest look EVER, and says "whatever". I was dumbfounded (is that really how you spell that?)!
I was being honest. I really didn't know she was trying to get by.
So I said again - "No I'm really sorry." - probably should have just ignored her, but ouch - is anyone really in that big of hurry at the store.
So she storms off to shop and a lady that worked at the store apparently saw the whole conversation. She came up to me and told me that it wasn't my fault and b/c of the displays it was narrow walkway and I was being very nice.
So there you have it mean lady.
Moral of the story - when you accidentally cut someone off or someone cuts you off always say "excuse me" or "I'm sorry" - something!- it makes people like me feel better. :)
****Check back later this week for Emma's 18 month post and Grace's first day of school!****