Friday, October 12, 2007


Yesterday I was going through Gracie's clothes for fall/winter (not that the weather is cold enough for fall/winter clothes, but because I'm so tired of her summer clothes). She happen to find many shoes that she loved. But these one in particular were her favs. Yes the black patten leather shoes with little pink flowers that were a size too big were her favorite. She insisted on wearing them ALL day with her khaki pants and pink shirt. Oh and the best part is they were on the wrong feet. I tried to *help* fix the mistake, but she didn't need any help. Lovely. What am going to do with her when she is 13?? Maybe this baby in my tummy is a boy... then at least I will hopefully only have 1 child with a shoe fetish.


Jamie said...

They are so funny about their shoes! And particular!
At least she likes pretty shoes, even though you wouldn't normally pick patent leather to go with your khakies ;)

E said...


Hyperactive Lu said...

Ha! Ha! I think you've entered the toddler stage MAJORLY! Sounds like my days with the Bubster!

I am also longing for fall/winter clothes to come out! We've had a day or two, here and there, that needed pants and jackets!

Oh! My boy does have a shoe fetish. I have bought him SO many shoes in his short little life... he definitely doesn't even come close to wearing any of his pairs out! I think I'm making my son a metro sexual!

Anonymous said...

oh how cute! my oldest daughter loves shoes she has more shoes then i do lol

Michelle said...

You can tell she is saying "shoes" with her mouth! She is so fun!

A Perfect Pandemonium said...

yum yeah, even if you do have a boy, there's no saying he wont like shoes. Just make sure they are boy shoes.

Cody loves to get new shoes. Mostly because I make a big deal out of getting to buy him new shoes, then more new shoes, then more new shoes...I think you get the point.

I was getting him dressed the other day and picked out a pair of shoes he didn't want to wear and he said, "mommy, I don't think these match" Yeah, not a good sign but he sure looks good every day!

Lindsay @ Splat Designs said...

I love it!
She will for sure be your girly girl!

Megan said...

Very cute! I think the black shoes are very snazzy with her khaki pants! :)

I know exactly what you mean about the clothes- I was SO tired of sunsuits and SO glad to put them away!

Melanee said...

SO CUTE! I tell Carson to get his shoes and he just grabs whatever's closest, so maybe your next one WILL be a boy! I think they must be a lot easier when it comes to that kind of stuff!