Thursday, January 29, 2009
Oh and add me to your follow list. If you are a blogger and don't know what this is you need to find out! It's how I stay up-to-date on all my blogs by just following people from my Dashboard page. Anyway, so add me to your list to follow and you will know when I updated and you wont have to come back to check. You will love it just as much as I do!
Thanks again Lindsay! love ya!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
(She got a little confused when I pointed to a new row and wanted to start over. )
Emma is little miss busy lately. The other day I caught her playing with the toliet paper. This reminds me so much of when Grace found the tissues! (Wow does Emma look like Grace did!)
Monday, January 26, 2009
First is a bow holder for all the bows we have. We love bows. And since I've had all of Grace's bows just hanging on some ribbon for a year I decided to make a little bow holder. I didn't want one of the ones with their initials since I have 2 girls and I keep their bows in a bathroom that they both share. I got the little plaque at the dollar store and then used ribbon I already had... cheap project!!
Look it matches the polka dots in the shower curtain!
I also decide that our kitchen table needed a face lift. This is a table that my aunt and uncle gave to me when I was a sophomore in college. They had it for about 20 years and I have used it for about 10. And I just really don't want to spend our extra money on a new kitchen table so I decided to paint it black. Totally different, but I really like it.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
She qualified
They basically just gave me a summary, and a lot of what she said was in a foreign language (not really... just in speech therapist talk.). I'll receive a formal report of her evaluation in a week or so and then we will have a big meeting to discuss goals, treatment, etc. What I did understand is the main issue is with Grace's articulation... the way she says words. Which wasn't anything new... since she has been working with ECI for the past 4 months.
They are recommending that she goes to speech therapy at a nearby Elementary School twice a week for 1 hour and 45 minutes each time. Honestly, I think it will really be good for her. She LOVES all the fun games they play and was already mimicking the teacher this morning.
Although, it was a little difficult to hear. Who wants to hear that their child failed. But the way I'm trying to look at it is that she just needs a little extra help and by Kindergarten she will hopefully graduate from the program or at the most just be pulled out for a little bit each week.
If anything this will just better prepare her for school and give us tools at home to communicate better with her.
Thanks for your support everyone! We know there could be MUCH worse things to have to worry about and are thankful that our little bump in the road is a small one.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
two peas in a pod
Monday, January 19, 2009
scarf anyone?
Friday, January 16, 2009
a glimpse
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I think he is going to work at the office tomorrow :(
a little late
All the girls - Carol, Kristal, Amanda, me, Marann, & Carey
Molly & Grace
Avery & Emma
So I still have more to update, but that is all I got for now :)
Monday, January 05, 2009
10 months
My little Emmy.... you have become such a big girl this past month.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
She's mine...
She is also saying "na"... but I think its her trying to say "no"! Talking back already!