Sunday, August 02, 2009

hot time summer in the city...

We have been enjoying summer so much that I've forgotten to update my blog!!

So in case we are wondering how we are doing... we are great!
And in case you are missing pictures of my two cuties... enjoy...

It's hard to tell but I'm not sure they like having their picture taken!
Hope you are having a great summer!!


E said...

They are so precious! Glad to see you're doing well!

Bryan said...

How can you keep Emma still enough to get a shot. Lucky!

Amanda said...

So sweet. They are both so precious!

E said...

After much consideration, I am mkaing my blog private. Write me an email at with your email addy if you want to keep reading! :)

Hyperactive Lu said...

Ok- two things- these are the cutest pics ever! Love the dresses!!!

Second, I agree with "Bryan"- how in the HECK do you keep them still long enough? Since Gray turned about 17 mos, I can't get a clear pic of the two brothers together. I'm told by a photographer friend that its the age, but gosh golly! I miss pics of my boys together and not of the back or side of Gray's head!!!

Lisa said...

Grace is such a big girl now! These are great pics!