Wednesday, January 06, 2010


Yes I'm here. Wow what a busy, fun, exhausting, relaxing and exciting last few weeks we have had. I can't tell you how many people have asked me if I'm not blogging anymore! Really I had no idea that anyone was actually still reading. I know I have been terrible. Honestly no excuses - life has just gotten in the way and blogging hasn't been on the agenda. Someone also told me that "blogging was so last year"... really? I do really enjoy blogging. I love looking back at the silly things I wrote about my girls or my life or the lack thereof. But mostly I enjoy reading about other friends and family and their lives. So yes I'm still here. And ready to give some updates!!

So here they are... (Tiffany style) ... either click on the link below or keep scrolling. Enjoy.


Christmas-time fun

Christmas 2009

Christmas cards 2009


Tiffany said...

Ha - I like your style :o)

The Lada Family said...

How funny that someone said blogging was so last year. :-)

Michelle said...

Yippie for updates! The girls look so cute in their photo shoot! Can't believe it is already 2010!

Meagan @ The Clanahan Fam said...

yay for updates :) And you do have a life!!