Okay so it only took me 3 weeks and 4 days to sit down to write this post. Pathetic. Really the transition hasn't been all that bad, but sitting at the computer just doesn't happen. I really wish I had all the fabulous pictures I've taken on my phone because my phone is about the only thing I've been playing on these days. Amen for the iphone so I can get some stuff done while nursing. Anyway, so back to our third precious edition!!
Layla Kate Dugan was born on March 10, 2010 just 5 days before her due date. I had been contracting every 10 minutes for about a day so I called my OB and asked what I needed to do to move things along. She told me to head into her office and she would see how far along I was. I had just been there 2 days prior and was 3 centimeters (for the 3rd week). I went and fully expected to be sent back home, but I wasn't! She said I was nearly 5 centimeters and in early labor! YAY! It couldn't have been a more perfect day too. Both girls were at preschool and Adam was working from home. So Adam and I made arrangements for the girls and packed up and headed to the hospital.
They started me on a low dose of pitocin (to get my contractions closer together) around 1pm. My OB broke my water at 2:30. I tried to go natural but by 4pm I was in a lot of pain and was still just a 5! SO I asked for the epidural... so much for being superwoman :) After I go the epidural I felt good for about 4o minutes and then I was in terrible pain. Pain I had never had with any of my girls. I thought my epidural wasn't working. It was actually that I was ready to push. Wow that was fast! They told me not to sneeze or laugh (they weren't kidding) because they needed to get the doctor there. Once everything was set and she was there I pushed through one contraction and Layla was here! I could hardly believe it... fast just like Emma. She was born at 5:10pm just 4 hours after they started things at the hospital.
My last pregnant picture EVER! :)
Her first close up... her very short hair looks sort of curly?!
Precious pictures! She is so long! Wonder if she'll stay tall. All three are just beautiful, Lisa.
I also wanted to let you know that you can upload your pics from your iphone directly to your blog. I am happy to walk you through how to do it but it takes less than 10 seconds to do it straight from your phone. That is why I am able to update our blog now so often. So much easier than sitting down to the computer which I hardly have time to do anymore. Email me if you'd like some help. Otherwise you can probably figure it out on the "settings" tab and then the "email and phone" options.
Cute pictures. I can't believe I haven't got to meet her yet!
I noticed the new black and white pictures on the side of your blog... I'm guessing those are all posted on Facebook but I can't go look :-( Email some to me!
and...when you figure out how to blog from your phone let me know! I need to be able to do that!
hi lisa - she is just gorgeous - many congrats to you and adam and the big sisters - :)
Lisa many congrats to your new addition to your beautiful family! She is beautiful and perfect! Congrats again!!
The picture of the 3 girls on your blog home page is soooooo sweet ;)
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