Busy busy busy... we have been busy.
Here is what we have been up to over the last week.
Friday (11th) - Girls dinner. One of the girls in my mom's group is moving, so all the girls left the kiddos at home and we enjoyed dinner at Chili's. (Everyone who knows were I live knows that it is the ONLY resturant... REALLY!)
Saturday (12th) - We got up and got ready to go to Adam's company picnic. It was a lot of fun. Grace had a BLAST playing in all the bounce houses that they had gotten. They even had one call the Todder Time which was perfect for her. The biggest hit at the picnic was the Cotton Candy... Grace LOVED it! Who wouldn't? After the picnic we drove 5 minutes to meet up with The
Kwait Family who have a boat on the lake near us. We went for a cruise around the lake and tied up with some of their friends. The kiddos however just enjoyed planning in the cabin under the boat. Travis and Grace are so sweet together. They even were giving eachother kisses! (Sorry I don't have any pictures since I forgot my camera.. I was sooo mad at myself!). We left the lake around and dinner and picked up dinner on the way. We were so tired and Grace actually went to bed a little after 7 b/c she was so wiped out!
Sunday (13th) - MOTHER's DAY! Adam got me a gift certificate to get a much needed Manicure and Pedicure. I will probably redeem that in a couple weeks before our anniversary dinner in June. We got up and headed to church where they made each mom a homemade flower. All the kids spent lots of time making the flowers and they were so proud. After church, Hailey and I drove to Frisco to have a day of shopping! It was so wonderful. I don't remember the last time I really got to brouse. Anyone who has a toddler knows what shopping is like... get in, get out! When we got home, Adam and Grace made us dinner. It was altogether a great day.
Monday and Tuesday (14th and 15th) - Worked at the bank. Yeah I know I don't really work for them, but they asked if I could help out for a couple days. It is always nice to get my brain working a bit and Grace enjoyed a couple days with a babysitter. On the 14th Grace turned 15 months! Where has the time gone? She is walking and saying more words all the sudden. And just getting so darn fun. I wish I could capture this time somehow... pictures and videos just don't always do it!
Wednesday (yesterday) - Mom's Group morning... got to hang out with some of my friends and their kiddos. Then I headed to the grocery store (whichwas much needed!). The afternoon was just catching up... I had to clean and do laundry so bad! So we stayed in most the day. But the weather was so nice (70's) so we went to the park for a while in the afternoon.
Today is pretty uneventful as well. I just finished laundry. Tomorrow I am going to the zoo with a couple friends which I think Grace with LOVE! I wont forget my camera this time!
Since every post is better with a picture... here are a couple.
The first is of Grace and Sammie waiting for daddy. Everyday Sammie hears the garage door open and goes running to the back door, so now Grace has figured out that it means dad is home! How come I don't get that type of welcome when I come home??

This one is a cute picture of Grace on Sunday before church. This dress is so cute on her! It was a gift from
Megan and Eleanor for her birthday. So glad she can wear it now that it is getting warmer.