Time sure does fly when you are having fun.
Adam, Grace and I visited my in-laws this past weekend. It was a nice relaxing weekend filled with lots of movie watching (I LOVE their media room!).
On Sunday, we left Grace with the grandparents. Adam went back home for a busy week of work and I headed south to visit my good friend, Katie, and her new little girl, Paige!
Katie is such a natural mother. Of course since she is a teacher and worked many more years before that at daycares and babysitting, she was bound to have a natural instinct when it comes to having a baby of your own. She already has Paige on a good little routine. She only wakes ONCE at night and then is asleep till at least 8am.
It's funny how quickly you forget thing though. I've gotten so use to just asking Grace, do you want oatmeal or fruit. And she will point to one she wants. With a newborn you forget that it is such a guessing game. The same cry for everything... but Paige cries pretty much only when she is hungry so that it usually an easy one!
Paige and I... notice the pacifier.. GIG 'EM!
Thanks for letting me visit Katie. I enjoyed EVERY minute of it! I just wish we lived closer. Hope to see you soon.
And thank you to Adam's parents for watching my Miss Pris!! I know she had a blast at your house.
Here a few pictures of Grace enjoying Adam's parents house!
Pop Pop's shoes...

Playing at a table MY size!

A little big
The poor doll...