I've been doing a lot of thinking about blogging, but I just haven't gotten here to write about it.
One thing I've been wanting to say is that when I say I'm busy I mean it. I feel like sometimes people don't understand how you can be busy and not be working. No I'm not trying to say that my job is harder or easier than other moms, I'm just saying that you can't compare.
Anyway, I wasn't trying to open a can of worms, I've just been a little frustrated lately. I guess its like a little quote I've heard a few times...
"From the outside looking in you can't understand it, and from the inside looking out you can't explain it." (I've actually heard this quote to describe my beloved Aggieland... but it applies well to this scenario.)
Anyway, so back to blogging about what I love most.
My girls.

Here is some sisterly love. Grace has really turned into a super sweet big sister. She loves to give Emma hugs and kisses and loves to sing to her... especially patty cake!

We've been walking a lot and boy do I have a good workout. My sweet neighbor and I have been tring to get out and walk several times a week. I figure I'm pushing about 60 lbs or so... that has gotta help burn something...

Emma has found her tongue. It's precious... she loves to stick it out when she smiling :)

We put a hole in the wall... I know we own a new home for less than 6 months and we are already tearing it apart. Not really. There was this "dead space" under the stairs (which also happens to be right off the family room) so we decided we would like to use this space. So far its just a big cut out, but hopefully it will be a little closet soon enough.... like maybe before we have friends that are coming to visit this weekend with a very curious crawling nearly one year old. (hint hint Adam!)

And last but certainly not least... I've been missing my friends up in Oklahoma. So Grace, Emma and I drove up to visit my friend Melanie and her two little ones. It was just a quick day trip, but well worth it. We even had all four kids down for a nap at the same time... sadly it only lasted for about 30 minutes. But we got to eat lots of yummy cookies while they slept. (We didn't want to share... and you know if you eat anything like a cookie in front a toddler they want one too... )
Grace, Emma, Sophia and Lucas
Hope everyone else is doing well. I'm going to try to catch up on my blog reading now. Sorry Granny that I haven't posted recently. I'll be better! love you!