Thursday, November 30, 2006
Saturday, November 25, 2006
COMING SOON... lots of pictures!! We have been in Dallas all week (still are!) and just enjoying spending time with my big brother and his wife and of course all the rest of the family. We have done a LOT of shopping this week, in fact I am almost done with my Christmas shopping! Adam and I also brought Grace to see Santa today. We will upload pics of Thanksgiving and pics with Santa as soon as we can!
Friday, November 17, 2006
I was tagged!!
I was tagged by Lindsay!
5 Things about ME...
1. I have always hated Chocolate, but since having my daughter I like a few chocolate things... Milky Ways, hot cocco, pudding, & oreos.
2. I actually like cleaning my house (with the exception of mopping!)
3. I love watching tv in bed.
4. I use to be a pretty good snow skiier. I was ranked when I was 8 & 11 years old for a top 10 skiier for the state of Texas.
5. I wear 1 contact lense... my right eye has perfect vision!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Grace clapping!
How cute is this! Grace has learned to clap. She is also tired in this video as it was almost bed time.
Teething stinks!
For the last week Grace has been little Miss fuss! I could tell that her top teeth weren't far from coming so I gave her a bit of Tylenol or Motrin when it was really bad. Well Monday she got a fever of 102. Then yesterday her fever persisted all day and got up to 103.5... and the meds were not helping. The doc looked her over yesterday morning at her 9 month appointment and said he really thought it was just her teeth or possibly a weird virus, but wouldn't know if it was that for a day or two.
Well last night was terrible. I think it was the worst night we have had since bringing Grace home from the hospital or close to it. She was up before we even went to bed at 9:30! Adam rocked her back to sleep, but she was up again at 10:30... well this is pretty much how the nigth went. Around 12 I decided to go to sleep in the guest bedroom and bring Grace into bed with me. That helped for a bit, but she was up around 3 and 5... I finally fed her at 5 and she was out till 6:30... so needless to say I'm so tired. But for some reason Grace is bright eyed and bushytailed! Oh and she finally broke her fever at 6:30... I got her out of her crib and she was drinched in sweat! Poor baby. But she seems to be feeling better today, but no new teeth yet. Hopefully soon because I need some sleep!
Well last night was terrible. I think it was the worst night we have had since bringing Grace home from the hospital or close to it. She was up before we even went to bed at 9:30! Adam rocked her back to sleep, but she was up again at 10:30... well this is pretty much how the nigth went. Around 12 I decided to go to sleep in the guest bedroom and bring Grace into bed with me. That helped for a bit, but she was up around 3 and 5... I finally fed her at 5 and she was out till 6:30... so needless to say I'm so tired. But for some reason Grace is bright eyed and bushytailed! Oh and she finally broke her fever at 6:30... I got her out of her crib and she was drinched in sweat! Poor baby. But she seems to be feeling better today, but no new teeth yet. Hopefully soon because I need some sleep!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
9 Months!

28.5 inches long - 75th percentile
18 pounds 14 ounces - 50th percentile
Here is what Grace is up to:
*Still crawling everywhere
*Pulling up on anything... including moms pants!
* She will take a few steps when pushing a walker (haven't gotten it on video yet!)
*Says "Dada" all the time, but no "mama" yet :(
*Loves to feed herself any table food, but no baby food for her.
*Can wave "bye bye" (so cute!)
*She is starting to clap... or at least trying really hard.
*Is a little Indian... you know when you put your hand over your mouth!
*Will pull toys now...she has a little telephone with a string on it.
*Loves to pose for the camera!... my little model
*Mama and Dada think she is starting to dance... she rocks back and forth when music is going.
Other stuff the doc told us:
*She has eczema. You can sort of see the redness on her face in the picture above. She definitly has daddy's skin.
*He thinks she is going to be at least 5 feet 6 inches as an adult! Sort of interesting and he did say it is an ESTIMATE, but I'm so happy for her. Since I'm only 5'4" anything taller than that is awesome!
I think that is about it for now. Check back for more updates :)
Happy Birthday to me...
Thanks everyone for the sweet emails and cards.
We aren't doing anything exciting... just dinner at home. We did get a babysitter last Friday night and went to eat at a yummy steak place on Lake Texoma - The Point. It was a nice evening with no kiddos! I guess getting older isn't as exciting as it use to be. Oh well... 27 here I come!!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Katey's 1st birthday party
Yesterday was Katey's first birthday party (Lacy's daughter)!
Just wanted to share a few pics of party!
Click HERE to check out a cute video they made of Katey's first year!
Here is the birthday girl in her cute hat and Lacy!

Here is Grace riding on Katey's birthday present... she LOVED it! Guess I know what to get her for her birthday :) 

In the bounce house... here is the back of Katey (you can see her little bonbon hair!) but there is Grace and Travis and all the mamas! They loved the bounce house... didn't know what to do, but they loved it none the less.

Friday, November 10, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
Is she going to be a reader?
When I change Grace I always give her a book (mainly to keep her busy and still), but she really seems to love it! Maybe she will be a reader??? Probably a bit too young to tell :)

Friday, November 03, 2006
My busy bee
Grace is very busy these days. (Also the reason why I haven't been able to post so much.) She is crawling much faster now and seems to find/touch/eat anything she can get her hands on. We have just finished baby proofing the house, which mainly consisted of plug covers and cabinet stoppers to keep her out of all the cleaning products. Let me tell you though, those cabinet stoppers (whatever they are really called...) are practically adult proof too! Adam and I can't seem to remember the cabinets are baby proofed and we go to try to open the cabinet like normal and it doesn't open... doh! Well I guess this is probably a good thing since kids seem to figure everything out.
Anyway, here are few pics of her exploring the house.
Anyway, here are few pics of her exploring the house.
She tried to eat the fake ivy (don't worry I didnt let her!),

tried to pull the lamp and phone off the end table (thankfully she was unsuccessful, so she just tried to eat the cords!), put her little fingers into the Sammie's water bowl (we already had to move the bowls from the kitchen into the laundry room, so we can close the door, but anytime it is open she goes straight for them!),
and she likes to go behind the couch (thankfully there is enough room between the couch and wall that I can vacuum so it isn't grose back there or anything!).
She is a complete mess, but we wouldn't have it any other way. It is definitly fun, exciting and each day brings some new adventure. Growing up sure is a blast!
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