Well I guess I should say that she has taken a few steps. She will take 3-4 steps and then go down to her knees or start crawling, then get back up and take another couple steps. She is so proud of herself. We will try to get it on tape and post it soon. Just wanted to tell everyone!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
We love you! You are such a wonderful husband and daddy. Thank you for everything you do for us.
Grace is doing well. Her rash has cleared up and the new antibiotic seems to be working. Since I've told a couple people about her new allergy, I've learned how serious a Penicillin allergy can be. I'm so thankful that she only got a rash, since my granny told me if could fatal... SCARY!
Grace also got her 6th tooth today! Surprisingly she hasn't been that fussy... just drooling constantly.
As some of you guys know I've been trying to wean from breastfeeding for a couple months now. I've been down to nursing once at night for quite a while now and couldn't manage to drop that feeding. Well Grace has finally weaned. I tell you though, when I first started nursing 13.5 months ago I would NEVER in a million years thought I would have nursed this long. It really got to be so easy, especially since I was staying at home, so I just kept nursing. Anyway, I was sort of sad for a split second, but it will be nice to have my own body back to myself!
Oh and I almost forgot about other news I have... I quit my job today! Yeah, I know I just started, but it wasn't working out. I wasn't getting paid very much and since I was only working 20 hours I was barely making enough to pay for daycare. I've been so run down, our house is a mess and I'm just not fulfilled from working like I use to be (probably b/c I worry constantly about Grace). Plus, Grace has gotten 2 ear infections, a virus and pink eye all in 4 weeks of daycare. I'm going to work through next week, but then back to being a Stay-at-home mom. :) I'm just so thankful that we are able to make it work with me at home. We are very blessed.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
If it isn't one thing its another...
This morning we went to see Gracie's pediatrician for the eye junk and her bad diaper rash. She has an ear infection. Which I guess I knew since I only gave her 2 days of the medicine we gave her last week. So it didn't get to heal from last week. So I go fill the Rx and come home and give it to Grace. Then about 30 minutes later she was scratching all over (her arms, head, eyes, etc)... and I noticed she all these little bumps on her that looked like mesquite bites. I freaked! I called the doc back and left a message. They called me back within 5 minutes and he said that is a definite Penicillin allergic reaction. I gave her Benadryl and within 1 hour the bumps were nearly gone. My poor baby. He said not to give her any more of the antibiotic and he is calling in something different. Hopefully this is the last of the drama and my baby will be healthy for a while at least!
On a brighter note, here are a couple pics of Grace in some pj's that Michelle got Grace for her first birthday. Aren't they so cute?? I love them! 
Monday, March 26, 2007
Home Sweet Home
Grace was happy to be coming home (she was so tired... this is a picture of her sleeping on the plane ride home... she slept the ENTIRE time... AMEN!!)

Once we got back to Ohio we just had a week of relaxation. Adam drove back and forth to his class eat day in Detroit (about an hour each way), but he wanted to be with us in the evenings so he thought it was worth it.
Unfortunately Grace and I got sick while were up there. I just had a cold and bad cough. But Gracie's eye was still having some yucky goop build up in it (I was having to clean it 5-6 times a day) so I brought her to the doctor. They thought it was still pink eye (but I'm not so sure since no one else got it)... we actually go to her pediatrician tomorrow to see what the deal is since its still gooping up. Anyway, the doc up there did say she had an ear infection and prescribed her for an antibiotic she had never had. Well she is allergic to it! She had diarrhea (I wont go more into that!), and broke out into a bad diaper rash that we are still trying to fight (second reason we are heading to her doc tomorrow).
All in all though... it was a great trip. We got to spend some wonderful quality time with Rob and Kelly and their 2 kiddos. Their little one, Conner (I wrote about him several months ago... he was little preemie born at 32 weeks)... well he has turned into a little rolly polly. He is the BEST baby I've ever seen in my life. I would have another baby in a second if I knew he/she would be as good as this baby. :)
Enough of me rambling... here are some pics of the trip.
We're back! 10 wonderful days of fun filled relaxation and excitement... all done. Boo Hoo! Overall the trip was great. We got to Rob and Kelly's house in Ohio on Thursday the 15th and the next day headed to Chicago with them and their little girl Hannah (20 months). Chicago was soooooo COLD the first day (and windy), but then the next 2 days there were great... cool, but sunny and it wasn't windy so it was 10,000 times more enjoyable. My best friend from high school, Alyssa, and her hubbie and 3 year old (Jameson) joined us in Chicago. She lives in Minnesota so it was only a 4 hour drive for her to meet up with us. It was so fun getting to hang out with everyone. The kiddos enjoyed the trip too... probably b/c they got to eat lots of junk food. Although Grace did enjoy her green beans and mac 'n cheese at the Cheesecake Factory (YUM!).
Once we got back to Ohio we just had a week of relaxation. Adam drove back and forth to his class eat day in Detroit (about an hour each way), but he wanted to be with us in the evenings so he thought it was worth it.
Unfortunately Grace and I got sick while were up there. I just had a cold and bad cough. But Gracie's eye was still having some yucky goop build up in it (I was having to clean it 5-6 times a day) so I brought her to the doctor. They thought it was still pink eye (but I'm not so sure since no one else got it)... we actually go to her pediatrician tomorrow to see what the deal is since its still gooping up. Anyway, the doc up there did say she had an ear infection and prescribed her for an antibiotic she had never had. Well she is allergic to it! She had diarrhea (I wont go more into that!), and broke out into a bad diaper rash that we are still trying to fight (second reason we are heading to her doc tomorrow).
All in all though... it was a great trip. We got to spend some wonderful quality time with Rob and Kelly and their 2 kiddos. Their little one, Conner (I wrote about him several months ago... he was little preemie born at 32 weeks)... well he has turned into a little rolly polly. He is the BEST baby I've ever seen in my life. I would have another baby in a second if I knew he/she would be as good as this baby. :)
Enough of me rambling... here are some pics of the trip.
Jameson (3 yrs), Hannah (20 months), Grace (13 months)
Can you tell that Hannah and Grace are also in matching outfits... sooo cute! I wish I had a better picture.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Bye Bye
We are off in a couple hours to go to Dallas... we fly out tomorrow to Detriot, then to Toledo, OH and then on Friday to CHICAGO! I'll post an update when we get back on the 25th! See ya then.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Grace update
Poor baby... her fever was better for a while, but then this afternoon it started climbing again. About an hour ago it got up to 104 so I called the pediatrician on call and they said to bring her to the ER if it gets to 105 or if she breaks out in a rash. I'm pumping her with Motrin, but I've decided it isn't helping. So I will be taking her to the doctor first thing in the morning (for the second time this week!). Hopefully she will be feeling better by Thursday when we fly. So say a little prayer tonight for my sweet sick baby.
Another update: (updated Wednesday)
Grace had a fever all night, but this morning when she got up it was only 99. I still decided to take her to the doctor since it had gotten so high. He said it is just a virus... he thinks rotavirus...but its really just a guess. It just has to run its course. He thinks she may be on the tail end of it... I sure hope so. Thanks for thinking of my little Miss Pris.
3 weeks
It only took 3 weeks of daycare for Little Miss Pris to get sick. I guess that should be no surprise.
I dropped her off at daycare yesterday morning and about an hour later the daycare called and said they thought she had pink eye. I had noticed she had a little eye drainage, but she has had that clogged tear duct issue off and on so I just cleaned it and sent her to daycare. So I brought Grace to the pediatrician and found out she did have pink eye. We ran by the pharmacy and got some drops and she seemed okay. Well last night at dinner she got sick and threw up in her high chair. We put her in the bath to clean her up and I could tell that something was right. When I pulled her out of the tub I realized she was soooo hot. She had a 103 temp! So we got her dressed, gave her some Motrin, and she fell asleep laying on my chest. She still has a fever this morning but it was 99.5 so it is much better. Hopefully it will break soon. I guess its just a little bug or something.... could it be teething maybe?
Anyway, while at the doctors office yesterday we did find out the results to Grace's allergy test. She is allergic to peanuts and pet dander! So no peanut butter and no dogs... wait!... what about Sammie (our sweet lab) ... well the pediatrician said she is the Moderate range, so we just need to keep Sammie clean (give her baths often) and keep the floor free of dog hair. Obviously he has never had a lab in the spring. Hopefully it will be something she will outgrow as she gets older. We are just so thank full that she wasn't allergic to something more threatening like wheat or milk (which is in like EVERYTHING).
Oh and like I've said before... every post is better with pictures... so here are a couple I took over the weekend. How can you resist those big blue eyes.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Baby weekend...
This weekend Grace and I had 2 baby showers. I just love baby showers. It is so fun to ooooo and ahhhhh over all the tiny adorable little outfits, matching shoes and all the newest baby gadgets on the market. It makes you wonder where the time goes. I feel like it was yesterday when I was celebrating with my friends and family at my baby shower. And now I have a cute little toddler.
Anyway, the showers went well. Grace wasn't feeling 100% (I think b/c of teething), but still managed to be the life of the parties. Here are a few pictures from the shower for my good friend, Katie.
Ashley, me and Katie ... us girls lived together during college.
Melanee (Katie's sister - 22ish wks preggo, and Carson's mommy) and Katie (26ish wks preggo)
Here is Grace and her new friend, Carson (Katie's nephew). Although I think Grace was more interested in what he was eating then him. :)
The yummy cake
And here is a pic of Grace all worn out from all the action.
Friday, March 09, 2007
And I ran...
I know I have posted before that I've been trying to get into shape and have my somewhat pre-baby body back, well I've been running. A girl that I've known for a few years from work and I have been running several times a week for 2 weeks now. It's gone really good. We even ran 4 miles this week with stopping to walk for only a brief minute. Grace usually joins us in my jogging stroller if Adam isn't home yet. She seems to love it (which I thought she would). Plus the weather has been great. So hopefully we will manage to keep it up. I'm pretty proud of us so far. (Oh and I'm also still doing Turbo Jam on the side... which I highly recommend!).
Anyhoo, have a wonderful weekend.
Anyhoo, have a wonderful weekend.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
My baby bump...
So go to her blog and join in the fun.
Busy month...
What an exciting month! So much is going on this month and we are really looking forward to it all.
Sunday was my Dad's birthday, so went to the Big D to have dinner with my family. Then this past Saturday was Travis' first birthday party. We had a blast socializing and drinking margaritas! Saturday night we met up with our friends Seth and Tiffany. I actually went to high school with Seth and we have kept in touch over all these years... him and his wife are really a lot like Adam and I so we always enjoy spending time with them. After dinner we headed back up to Oklahoma, because Molly was baptized. (I'm sorry but I'm totally slacking on taking pictures... but I'll be better the rest of the month!)
This week is somewhat uneventful. I did get my hair done yesterday by Hailey (Molly's mommy). I can always trust her to make me look cute! Yesterday I also took Grace to the pediatrician. Her eczema has really been acting up and we are still having issues with the constipation now that we have started whole milk. He actually took some blood that they are sending off to get allergy tested. It only tests for 10 major allergies... like wheat, corn, milk, pets, etc. I just hope that this can help pin point the problem. We should find out the results either late this week or early next week. I'll post when we find something out.
Then this weekend Grace and I have 2 baby showers! On Saturday, I am helping to host a baby shower for my good friend, Katie. Katie and I met in high school and then both went to college at Texas A&M (whoop!) and we were even roommates for a year. She is good friend to say the least. I just can't wait to see her growing pregnant belly! Then on Sunday, back home to Oklahoma were Grace and I will be going to a shower for a girl that I work with, Kari. I've known her a couple years now and she is so super sweet and getting really pregnant (she is 34 weeks!).
Then next week on the 15th (Thursday) we are flying to Detroit! Adam has a seminar that he is attending there and Grace & I are coming along. We have some good friends, Rob and Kelly (I've written about them before... they have little Miss Hannah (20 months) and Mister Conner (6 months)) that live in Ohio, just a short hour drive from Detroit. Since Adam's seminar doesn't start till the 20th we are going to drive to Chicago on the 16th and stay for a couple days. We are so excited! Rob and Kelly are also coming to Chicago and bringing Hannah. Conner will be staying with grandma. We are just hoping for decent weather. We fly back on the 25th (yup... we will be gone for 10 days!).
When we get back Adam's 27th birthday is that week. So I'm sure we will be doing dinner or something fun.
That brings me to the end of March! I should add that the first weekend in April (Easter weekend) Grace and I are going Kentucky to see my big brother and his wife!! Unfortunately Adam is on call that weekend so he will be staying in OK. But I'm sure he will have a nice quiet weekend.
Anyway, I should say I'm sorry that I've been bad about posting lately... but with working part-time, Grace starting daycare, trying to wean and I've also started running... its been busy to say the least!
So that is it for now. I promise to be better and post more often!
And since every post is better with a picture... here is one of my sweet girl! Isn't her outfit cute too?? Margaret's little girl Karina gave us a whole box of hand-me-downs that fit great and even some that she will grow into this summer! Thanks Margaret!
Sunday was my Dad's birthday, so went to the Big D to have dinner with my family. Then this past Saturday was Travis' first birthday party. We had a blast socializing and drinking margaritas! Saturday night we met up with our friends Seth and Tiffany. I actually went to high school with Seth and we have kept in touch over all these years... him and his wife are really a lot like Adam and I so we always enjoy spending time with them. After dinner we headed back up to Oklahoma, because Molly was baptized. (I'm sorry but I'm totally slacking on taking pictures... but I'll be better the rest of the month!)
This week is somewhat uneventful. I did get my hair done yesterday by Hailey (Molly's mommy). I can always trust her to make me look cute! Yesterday I also took Grace to the pediatrician. Her eczema has really been acting up and we are still having issues with the constipation now that we have started whole milk. He actually took some blood that they are sending off to get allergy tested. It only tests for 10 major allergies... like wheat, corn, milk, pets, etc. I just hope that this can help pin point the problem. We should find out the results either late this week or early next week. I'll post when we find something out.
Then this weekend Grace and I have 2 baby showers! On Saturday, I am helping to host a baby shower for my good friend, Katie. Katie and I met in high school and then both went to college at Texas A&M (whoop!) and we were even roommates for a year. She is good friend to say the least. I just can't wait to see her growing pregnant belly! Then on Sunday, back home to Oklahoma were Grace and I will be going to a shower for a girl that I work with, Kari. I've known her a couple years now and she is so super sweet and getting really pregnant (she is 34 weeks!).
Then next week on the 15th (Thursday) we are flying to Detroit! Adam has a seminar that he is attending there and Grace & I are coming along. We have some good friends, Rob and Kelly (I've written about them before... they have little Miss Hannah (20 months) and Mister Conner (6 months)) that live in Ohio, just a short hour drive from Detroit. Since Adam's seminar doesn't start till the 20th we are going to drive to Chicago on the 16th and stay for a couple days. We are so excited! Rob and Kelly are also coming to Chicago and bringing Hannah. Conner will be staying with grandma. We are just hoping for decent weather. We fly back on the 25th (yup... we will be gone for 10 days!).
When we get back Adam's 27th birthday is that week. So I'm sure we will be doing dinner or something fun.
That brings me to the end of March! I should add that the first weekend in April (Easter weekend) Grace and I are going Kentucky to see my big brother and his wife!! Unfortunately Adam is on call that weekend so he will be staying in OK. But I'm sure he will have a nice quiet weekend.
Anyway, I should say I'm sorry that I've been bad about posting lately... but with working part-time, Grace starting daycare, trying to wean and I've also started running... its been busy to say the least!
So that is it for now. I promise to be better and post more often!
And since every post is better with a picture... here is one of my sweet girl! Isn't her outfit cute too?? Margaret's little girl Karina gave us a whole box of hand-me-downs that fit great and even some that she will grow into this summer! Thanks Margaret!
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