Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Poo in the potty??

WARNING: To those that do like to hear/talk about their children's bowels do not read!
You guys are never going to believe me when I tell you this, in fact, I was surprised myself.

Grace pooped on the potty!!!

You heard that right. The funny thing is that we aren't even potty training. Our sweet neighbor is a wood worker (he's retired) and he made Grace a little potty when she was just a few months old. Since we got the potty it has remained in her closet. She has sat on it from time to time (like in the picture below), but never without clothes on. Well today after Gracie's bath she was running around the house naked and she ran into her closet and sat on the potty. I thought she was just being silly. Boy was I wrong. She got up and their was poo in the potty! How in the heck did she know what to do??
Now I know this was probably a complete fluke, but let me enjoy the joy a parent has when their little 16 month old baby goes poo on the potty. HAHAHA!

So we decided to move her potty into the bathroom. I guess I'll try to see if she wants to go potty every so often. Shoot if it saves me a diaper here and there then its worth it!
Here is Grace sitting on her potty. Yes the potty has a magazine rack and on the other side it has a toliet paper holder!


Michelle said...

So funny that we were just talking about this today!! YEAH for Grace!! Maybe she will potty train early, wouldn't that be nice!!

LaShawn said...

I LOVE that there is a little magazine holder on the side of that potty!!!!

Lindsay said...

i LOVE that potty!
I can NOT believe that she pooed in the potty, what a smart little girl!
Are you gonna work on potty training her early?
Does your neighbor sell those?
I can not believe our kiddos are getting so big!
love ya'll