I know it say it often but really this past month flew by. I sort of figured it might go slow being pregnant and all, but this morning when I woke up (to a snow day!) I realized it was February.
Really when you have young children the days just somehow turn into weeks and months and somehow years.
Our January was busy. So busy that I rarely brought my camera (no surprise!). We had 6 birthday parties, 3 baby showers (1 for Miss Layla and 2 for friends), a trip to East Texas, a few doctors visits (for me and the girls), preschool registration (sort of a huge deal around here), and of course we took part in a Sibling class at the hospital where Layla is going to be born.
Oh and one weekend we even had the pleasure of having the class monkey, George, come to our house. George had a busy weekend when he came to visit. 2 birthday parties and a trip to the hospital. He even got his own seat :) Also, notice Grace moved up to a booster seat. Now this might be no big deal in your house, but I liked big Britax car seat. It is the safest seat for her. But all her friends have been getting boosters and honestly she has been begging me for one. So as a Christmas present I asked my in-laws to get her one. She loves the pink trim the most. She has been telling everyone about her new seat. What a silly girl.... so excited about a new seat! I can't believe Kindergarten is just months away.

The girls LOVED the Sibling class at the hospital. Each girl made a sign to hang on the baby's crib with their picture that says "I'm a Big Sister". Emma was hilarious on this day. Most of the kids in the class were 4 or 5. Emma was by far the youngest, but that didn't stop her from answering all the questions. She was VERY into it!

Grace was a little more reserved, but was really taking it all in. I think she enjoyed the hospital tour the most. Although they both were quite confused when we didn't leave with the baby. I guess they thought we were going there to get the baby :)

With Miss Layla's arrival only 6 weeks away (can you believe I'm already 34 weeks!), some of my close friends insisted on throwing me a shower. To be honest, I've always kind of thought that showers for anything but your first baby weren't really okay. I didn't have a shower with Emma, but I really didn't need a whole lot besides diapers and wipes. But with this baby, we really had gotten rid of some key items (like our car seat!) both because they were worn out after 2 kids and because we weren't sure we were going to have another... so I was okay with it. Of course I told them to send out an evite and have a small shower with punch and cake. They didn't listen!
The shower was amazing. Every detail had been thought out. It was perfect. Miss Layla was spoiled rotten! And this is why I learned that having showers for your second, third, etc baby are more than okay. Each baby is special. Miss Layla has a lifetime ahead of hand-me-downs so it was wonderful to have some wonderful new treasures for just for her.
Here are all my SIX hostesses! Yes 6! I feel so blessed to have each of these women in my life. They really blew me out of the water with their love for baby Layla.

I wont bore you with a 50 pictures from the shower, but I do have a couple just to show you how perfect everything was.
All the guests enjoyed "mamatinis"... basically a martini minus the rum :) They were so cute and fun.

And of course a sweet cake with Layla's initials. The cake was strawberry and so yummy!

And I guess that about wraps up January. I'm hoping to post some belly shots sometime next week! You would have thought after I got dressed cute for the baby shower I would have done that... but no. Hope you had a wonderful January as well! Now off to do laundry and enjoy the rest of the day (probably week) indoors... high isn't suppose to be above 20 degrees until Friday!! Brrrrrr....