Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Baby Conner update

I posted a couple weeks ago that our friends, Rob and Kelly, had their baby 8 weeks early. Thank you for all your prayers. Conner is doing great. He is finally gaining weight and has now gotten back to his birth weight plus a couple ounces. He is sleeping in an open crib and keeping his body temperature up. They took him off of the oxygen so he is breathing all by himself!! AMEN! He is still eating from a feeding tube, but next week they are going to try a bottle of breastmilk. Rob and Kelly (and Hannah too!) just can't wait to get him home. Hopefully soon! Of course the hospital wont give them a time... they just say sometime around his due date which isn't for 6.5 more weeks!

Here is a picture of the little man. Just so you know... that is a premie outfit that Kelly tried to shrink... but he still looks like he is swimmin' in it! :)

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

He is adorable... and so tiny! BUT the most wonderful things come is small packages :)
keep us posted!