Sunday, September 10, 2006

I love big girl food!

So we have accepted the fact that Grace doesn't like jarred baby food. I have pretty much given up on them. But we have found other foods she loves!!! Tonight for dinner we gave Gracie black beans and avacados and she LOVED them. As you can see by the picture she had avacado smeared all over her face. We put little chunks on her tray and she tried so hard to pick it up (it was hard b/c avacado is slippery!) but she finally got a few pieces. We helped her out too by spoon feeding her a couple bites. She knew exactly what to do...she bit it with those 2 front teeth and used her gums to mash it up before she swallowed. She is such a big girl!

For my friends that are just starting table foods, the new issue of Parents magazine (p.160) has 52 finger food ideas.... some aren't good until they are bit older, but they had some GREAT ideas.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Her lil' Teethies are growing so fast!