Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Hawaiian Punch
Saturday, October 27, 2007
hey hey
Friday, October 19, 2007
And everyone has been asking what we are going to name the baby... we have no clue! We like a couple names, but aren't ready to claim one for her yet. And no it will not be something like Faith or Hope. We like traditional, simple names. I'll let you know when we decide. Until then feel free to give any suggestions!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
It's a ....
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
20 months and 20 weeks...
Sunday, October 14, 2007
My pumpkin
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Mommy and Me
Monday, October 08, 2007
Home at last
Why am up blogging right now? Because I have to update my blog for my granny. :)
So here goes... last Thursday we left Oklahoma for a Texas tour. We stopped in the Big D for dinner with my mom and brother. It was a nice dinner. Then we headed to East Texas to drop Grace off with Adam's parents for the weekend. We didn't get there there till 10 so we went straight to bed. Unfortunately our alarm clock (AKA: Grace) got up early around 7. We brought Grace up to mother-in-laws school where she teaches and up to my father in laws work to show her off. She was a big hit in her new squeeker shoes. (I'll post about her shoes later... they are soooo stinkin' cute!).
Then after lunch we left our baby girl in good hands and headed to College Station, TX for a good 'ole Aggie football game. My uncle is Bob DeBesse... he is the wide receiver coach for A&M so we stayed at their house and hung out with all the other coaches wives and families. Friday night was hanging out while eating pizza! DOUBLE DAVES... yum!!
Then Saturday we headed to a tent sale where I managed to spend over $100 on Aggie gear. We don't get to Aggieland very often so I had to stock up. I got the cutest shirt for Grace that says "Aggie Chick"! I'll post a picture as soon I get one. We had lunch with some other friends that came into town for the game at the Chicken Oil. Double yum... but I forgot to order cheese fries, so I was craving them the rest of the day. Then off to TAILGATE! We tailgated with my family and all their Aggie friends. It was just so nice to hang out with my Aunt and cousins that I don't get to see very often. And finally the game. OH MAN. If you missed the Aggie game vs. OSU on Saturday night you missed an AWESOME game. The first half was boring for us since we were loosing by 17 points at the half, but then the Aggies decided to play some football. We ended up coming back and winning 24-23. It came down to the last couple minutes! What an emotional game. After the game we went to the Fox and the Hound (the only place that wasn't super busy or smokey), ate and hung out for a bit. Didn't get in till around 1:30 and didn't get to bed till about 2.
What were we thinking?? I'm a HUGE sleeper. I need a good 9 hours to function. But we had to get up at 9 to start driving to get Grace. And since I had to work today and since Adam is away on business for the week it has totally caught up with me and I'm tired. So I think I'm going to head to bed.
Here is a random assortment of pictures from the weekend. ENJOY!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
2 weeks and 2 days!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Getting better
Grace did great coming out of the anestesia. She was pretty upset at first and just wanted daddy, but within 2 hours she was trying to be her silly self. She is resting now... just pretty tired today, with a bloody nose off and off, but overall seems to be doing very well. I hate that we may have to put her under again.
Anyway, thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I wish I had brought my camera to take a picture of her before the surgery... she was such a cutie in her little gown that was WAY to big on her (and it was even a toddler gown). But here are a couple pictures of Grace on the mend. Sorry about the bloody nose in the first one, but it captures how she was feeling.
Daddy makes things all better!!
And on a less important note, I talked to my OB's office and they still want me to come in the morning. My OB is back but not really.... I might get to see him since I have one of the first appointments of the day, but I might not. Which means I might not be able to find out the sex. The crappy thing is that my OB normally has a ultrasound tech in his office on Thursdays, but not this week, then next week Adam will be out of town in Wisconsin! So not sure when we will find out what we are having. Maybe a couple weeks at worst :( I guess we will find out eventually. I'll post after my appointment tomorrow morning.