An attempt at a family photo (someone not looking... )
What a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had a great week of hanging out with family, decorating the house for Christmas and eating lots of yummy food. We have so much to be thankful for this year. I wont go on and on in a list of what we are thankful for, but I do want remember how thankful I am to have 2 sweet little girls. God has given us more than we could have ever imagined. And we couldn't be more thankful.
Most the week was spent with my older brother, Bryan, my sister-in-law, Becky and their little one, Jackson! Jackson is just 3 weeks younger than Emma. They were so cute together. It will be so much fun as they get older to celbrate holidays. If they only lived a little closer.
Bryan, Becky and baby Jackson
Thanksgiving morning Adam, Bryan, Becky and I got up to go run the Turkey Trot. If you have never been to the Turkey Trot in Dallas you are missing the best way to start Thanksgiving. 40,000+ people come to run or walk before they dig into that turkey! I've done it several times... I guess its sort of a family tradition. But this is the first year I really ran. Sure I've run it before, but not like this past Thursday. My goal (after my last 5K) was to finish in under 30 minutes, but really in my head I wanted to finish in 27 minutes... getting my mile down to 9 minutes. Well like I said there are A LOT of people at the Turkey Trot, so I knew my goal would be tough. And it was. I finished at 29 minutes and 40 seconds. Which I was super happy with. Since most of the race I was weaving in between people, dogging dogs and strollers, and people walking SUPER slow. They really need to break up the runners and walkers... its practically dangerous. But I'm running in another 5K on Saturday (one that is much smaller) so I'm hoping to finish in under 27 minutes there. I'll let you know.
As for the rest of the day, it was great. Adam and a lot of my extented family went to the Cowboys game and they met up with us later.
The rest of us (mainly the girls and my dad) went to my dad's side of the family, then my mom's side. This is pretty much every holiday in Dallas for us. Busy but fun. Anyway, here are a FEW cute pictures of the week.

Emma enjoying turkey and peas... all gone... she must have liked it!
Grace and my cousin Lexi (Lexi is 8 months older than Grace!)
The little ones... Emma, Jackson and my cousin Audrey (yes my first counsin is 2 days older than Emma!)
And they didn't sit still for long... 
Hope everyone else had a wonderful Thanksgiving!