This past week has flown by and I've been so tired. I think mainly it has just been tough to get into a new routine. Last week I worked half days and it was not working. I wasn't able to eat lunch till around 1:45 (after I picked up Grace) so I was starving and I wasn't 100% comfortable where I was leaving her on Tuesday and Thursday. So this week we made a couple changes and it already feels better. I'm just going to work 8 hours on Mon and Wed and 4 hours on Friday (with a lunch break on the long days). So hopefully that will go well.
Grace seems to really like daycare. She gets excited when she sees all the other kids her class, but she is also excited when I'm there to pick her up at the end of the day. Her teacher said she is sleeping on a mat on the floor like a champ. She just gives Grace her lovey and she lays down.
Anyway, I really feel like I have the best of both worlds. I'm able to get out, work and socialize and talk grown up talk for a few hours a week and then the rest I get to spend with my precious baby girl. Hopefully I will still be saying this in a couple months :)
Here is a pic of Grace playing with her Little People dollhouse that we got her for her birthday. Isn't she so cute.