This is an amazing reminder of the gift that children are in a parents life. Makes me so incredibly thankful for the little girl we have and the baby growing in my belly. Please watch.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
vacation sort of
Adam is taking a few days off of work... finally... so we are going to do some fun stuff with Grace. So I wont be updating till early next week. In the mean time don't forget I'm going private (next week) so make sure to send an email to me or post a comment saying you want to be able to view my blog! I've gotten quite a few emails so far... I'm so lucky to have so many sweet people interested in me and my families life!
Anyway, I haven't posted a picture of Grace so here are a few.
Potty time!
How did she get up there? My little climber...
She tried to fit in her baby's stroller... she got stuck!
Wee Little Designs
I almost forgot to mention a great little giveaway going on. A blogger friend, Jaime, has a new business she wants to show off! She is making some great cards... birth announcements, bday cards, christmas cards or anything else you can think up. Anyway with baby #2 on the way I would love to have some free birth annoucements! Check out her website HERE.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Going private
Well after a LOT of thought, I've decided to make my blog private so that only people I approve can view it. I love all the people I've met in the blogging world so if any of you would like to continue reading my blog please email me your email address or put it in the comment section. My email is I wont be going private for a few days so just let me know.
Granny, I will help you sent up a log-in so that you too can check in on my blog daily like I know you love to do and I love that you do it.
Granny, I will help you sent up a log-in so that you too can check in on my blog daily like I know you love to do and I love that you do it.
Last night my brothers and I threw a surprise party for my parents 35th wedding anniversary. Everything went off without a hitch. They were shocked which made the surprise that much better. I still can't believe between my brothers, the 40 guests and myself that no one said something on accident. We celebrated at Kirby's (a great steakhouse in Dallas) which has a perfect little party room. My sweet aunt Elizabeth made an awesome cake that looked like a photo album decorated with old photos from the years. We also had their wedding picture and their prom picture on display. All the photos I "borrowed" from my parents house without them even noticing. Talk about clueless! :) Gracie stayed with my friend Lindsay while we enjoyed ourselves. Thank you again Lindsay... I owe you big time!!
Anyway, here some pictures from the night.
My immediate family - from left - Dad, Mom, Todd (little bro), me, Adam, Becky (sister-in-law), and Bryan (big bro)
The whole family...
The cake! YUMMY!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Thank you
I just wanted to write a quick thank you. Thank you to everyone for all the sweet emails, comments, call and prayers. We are so excited about the new addition to the family. It is also exciting b/c I have 2 friends and 1 family memeber that are also pregnant and due very close to my due date. Always fun to be preggo with someone else!
Sorry to make this so short, but I'm out of town right now. I'll give updates next week when I get back. Thanks again!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Family news...
Grace is going to be a Big Sister!
Yup... I'm pregnant and due March 5, 2008. The kiddos will be just over 2 years apart. We had an ultrasound last week and everything looks great. We got to hear and see the baby's heartbeat going strong at 128 beats per minute. We had planned to wait till I was a bit closer to my second trimester, but people started figuring things out! It's hard to hide things when you are feeling rotten! Hopefully that wont last too much longer. That's all for now... we will try to keep things updated as we know more!
Yup... I'm pregnant and due March 5, 2008. The kiddos will be just over 2 years apart. We had an ultrasound last week and everything looks great. We got to hear and see the baby's heartbeat going strong at 128 beats per minute. We had planned to wait till I was a bit closer to my second trimester, but people started figuring things out! It's hard to hide things when you are feeling rotten! Hopefully that wont last too much longer. That's all for now... we will try to keep things updated as we know more!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Our best friends here in Oklahoma, Hailey, Joey & Molly, are moving in 2 short weeks. We are super bummed. They were really one of our first friends here. Joey and Adam have worked together starting up a plant. It's not often that you can find a couple that both you and your spouse really like and we love them both! It has been a blessing to see Molly and Grace start to grow up together. They have really become family to us up here. They will truly be missed. On the flip side we are elated for the new job that Joey has found. It really sounds like something he will enjoy. Thankfully its only about 5 hours from us. So we should get to see them from time to time!
Over the last few weeks we have been spending a lot of time with them. Here is a picture of the girls last night after dinner. They are really looking so grown up. (Molly is 22 months and Grace is 17 months). 
Friday, July 20, 2007
Daddy's home
Amen for Daddy's! Adam is home from a week in Washington state.
When he is gone for a lengthy amount of time I realize (well sort of) what it would be like to be a single mom. I have the utmost respect for any single mother (or father)! I hope I never have to do it on my own. Thanks Adam for being an awesome hubbie and daddy! We love you.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Sometimes it's easy to forget to be thankful for all you have. So I decided I would write out what I'm thankful for... here goes...
*My sweet husband- Who works so hard to provide for his family and truly loves us with his whole heart!
*My baby girl - I honestly don't know what I did before she was in my life. She gives me a purpose that I didn't what missing.
*My home - I know I complain about the size sometimes, but we really are lucky to have a beautiful home that sits on 1 acre of land.
*My parents - They are just so great... they are always giving back through their work and service. They are there for me if I need them and just set an amazing example of a happy and fulfilled marriage.
*My friends - I seriously have some great ones. Ones I can call no matter the time or drop by without an invitation. I just wished I lived a little closer to a few of them!
*My car - Another thing I complain about, but I love my reliable Honda! I couldn't imagine living in a place where I couldn't have my own car. I love being able to jump in the car and go.
*Patience - I've always thought that I was a pretty impatient person, but having a toddler in the house brings a whole new perspective to this. I hope that I can be mindful of my patience and keep it! :)
*Living in the middle of nowhere - I NEVER in a million years thought I would be thankful for this. However, after living in rural OK for 4 years it's grown on me. I love that we never have traffic, that I can get to anyplace in less than 10 minutes and I've made some great friends. I do sometimes miss having places to shop closer, but I spend less money with it being further away.
Here are a few other things I'm thankful...
*TV Dinners
*Paid vacation - if my hubbie ever takes some!
*Germ X
*CANDY (all junk food for that matter!)
*Good books
*Fireplaces in the winter
*Bluebonnets in the spring
*Swimming pools in the summer
*Changing leaves in the fall
*Christmas presents
I know there are a thousand more things I am thankful for, but I've hit a block. So what are you thankful for??
*My sweet husband- Who works so hard to provide for his family and truly loves us with his whole heart!
*My baby girl - I honestly don't know what I did before she was in my life. She gives me a purpose that I didn't what missing.
*My home - I know I complain about the size sometimes, but we really are lucky to have a beautiful home that sits on 1 acre of land.
*My parents - They are just so great... they are always giving back through their work and service. They are there for me if I need them and just set an amazing example of a happy and fulfilled marriage.
*My friends - I seriously have some great ones. Ones I can call no matter the time or drop by without an invitation. I just wished I lived a little closer to a few of them!
*My car - Another thing I complain about, but I love my reliable Honda! I couldn't imagine living in a place where I couldn't have my own car. I love being able to jump in the car and go.
*Patience - I've always thought that I was a pretty impatient person, but having a toddler in the house brings a whole new perspective to this. I hope that I can be mindful of my patience and keep it! :)
*Living in the middle of nowhere - I NEVER in a million years thought I would be thankful for this. However, after living in rural OK for 4 years it's grown on me. I love that we never have traffic, that I can get to anyplace in less than 10 minutes and I've made some great friends. I do sometimes miss having places to shop closer, but I spend less money with it being further away.
Here are a few other things I'm thankful...
*TV Dinners
*Paid vacation - if my hubbie ever takes some!
*Germ X
*CANDY (all junk food for that matter!)
*Good books
*Fireplaces in the winter
*Bluebonnets in the spring
*Swimming pools in the summer
*Changing leaves in the fall
*Christmas presents
I know there are a thousand more things I am thankful for, but I've hit a block. So what are you thankful for??
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Lake news
Adam and I drove down to the Lake Texoma dam. Due to the massive amounts of rain we have had the lake is higher than it has been in 17 years and before that it was like 50 years!
The flood gates are completely open and the lake is now overflowing into the spillway making a little pond that flows into the Red River. I drive over the Red River (the border of OK and TX) at least a couple times a week and I've never seen it so high. The flood gates open is really a sight to see. It is like a mini Niagara Falls....seriously... water is flowing so forcefully I didn't want to bring Grace too close. Anyway, check out this link to more news on the lake.
Since we haven't gotten any rain in a few days hopefully the lake levels will go down and we can get out on the lake for a least once this summer!!
The flood gates are completely open and the lake is now overflowing into the spillway making a little pond that flows into the Red River. I drive over the Red River (the border of OK and TX) at least a couple times a week and I've never seen it so high. The flood gates open is really a sight to see. It is like a mini Niagara Falls....seriously... water is flowing so forcefully I didn't want to bring Grace too close. Anyway, check out this link to more news on the lake.
Since we haven't gotten any rain in a few days hopefully the lake levels will go down and we can get out on the lake for a least once this summer!!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
fun stuff
Yesterday my sweet husband brought me home a Pandora braclet! For NO REASON at all. How sweet is that. I keep thinking he must want something :)
I bought one of these braclets for my mom and my mother-in-law this past Mother's Day and fell in love with them. I was secretly hoping that Adam would get me one, but I really thought maybe for my birthday or something. So now I get to have the fun of collecting charms. Thank you Adam, I love you!
In other news, Grace is getting to be so grown up. I've posted before that she likes to read... well she use to love to flip through all the pages before we could actually read the words on that page. But now, she actually sits there and lets us read it. She will point to things or look at the pictures, but she really loves it. She brings us books all day long. I just hope that maybe she enjoys reading when she is older. I don't think I truly enjoyed reading for pleasure until I was in college.
Not much else new going on, but here is a picture of Grace and Daddy cuddling before bedtime last night. (She doesn't look very tired!)
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Monday, July 09, 2007
In other news...
I've been struggling with what to blog about lately, that is why all you have gotten are lots of pictures of our Miss Pris.
But what I have been up to is... DECLUTTERING. Now if you know me, you probably say "what clutter", well if you only knew. It's under the beds, in the closets, hidden away in cabinets. Well I've had enough. I started with getting all my china that Adam and I got as wedding gifts and boxed it all up! Yup, all 12 place settings, silverware, place mats, and all the other goodies boxed up. Since we live in a house without a dining room and since it was taking over a ton of space I boxed it all up and brought it to my parents house. My little brother just moved out so my parents have his HUGE closet...empty. I just didn't think that it would be good to put our beautiful china (that one day I will use) in the attic. After all, we do live in Oklahoma and on those hot summer days it can get up to 140 degrees in the attic. I'm sure my china wouldn't melt or anything, but I wouldn't want anything to happen to it.
I've also been going through and organizing my scrapbooking stuff. All I have to say is I NEVER need to buy any other piece of scrapbooking material. I have more ribbon, paper, stickers, and other goodies that are just sitting in my closet. I didn't get rid of anything, but I just organized it and gave it a new home in big cabinet that use to be our linen closet (which I also downsized). Doesn't it look pretty! I even found a place for my sewing machine. Maybe now since everything is so accessible I might be able to start Gracie's first scrapbook! :) And if you look really closely you can see that all the drawers are labeled... yup... I LOVE my label maker!
And as for under the beds... well this is still a work in progress. I have lots of bags, purses, maternity clothes, and tons of wrapping paper to go through.
If I only had a bigger house with more closets... oh and the messes I could make. Maybe having a smaller house is best since it forces me to keep organized!
But what I have been up to is... DECLUTTERING. Now if you know me, you probably say "what clutter", well if you only knew. It's under the beds, in the closets, hidden away in cabinets. Well I've had enough. I started with getting all my china that Adam and I got as wedding gifts and boxed it all up! Yup, all 12 place settings, silverware, place mats, and all the other goodies boxed up. Since we live in a house without a dining room and since it was taking over a ton of space I boxed it all up and brought it to my parents house. My little brother just moved out so my parents have his HUGE closet...empty. I just didn't think that it would be good to put our beautiful china (that one day I will use) in the attic. After all, we do live in Oklahoma and on those hot summer days it can get up to 140 degrees in the attic. I'm sure my china wouldn't melt or anything, but I wouldn't want anything to happen to it.
And as for under the beds... well this is still a work in progress. I have lots of bags, purses, maternity clothes, and tons of wrapping paper to go through.
If I only had a bigger house with more closets... oh and the messes I could make. Maybe having a smaller house is best since it forces me to keep organized!
Friday, July 06, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
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