Monday, June 30, 2008
potty post #134
GRACE is the queen of the big on the potty!
Oooh, ahah, oooh, ah!
So I know I post about potty time quite a bit, but we are just so excited and proud of our little girl. I'm guessing you know what I'm going to say next.....
Grace went #2 on the potty today!!!!!
Or really... FINALLY!
We started potty training (serious training that is) 2 weeks ago exactly.
So my advice (since I'm a potty training pro now!) is to be VERY patient and just keep encouraging your little one. Not to get mad or upset when they have accidents, but to continue to praise their hard work when they do. And do whatever you have to... candy has worked for us, but maybe its getting to ride their bike or go swimming.
The big test will be when I send her to Mother's Day Out tomorrow in panties! I've sent her the last 2 weeks in pull-ups (which I still hate, but served the purpose there). So hopefully it will be a good day. I already warned her teacher last week. Her teacher thankfully has 2 boys (ages 4&6) so she has done her share of potty training. I'll let you know how it goes.
Until then...I'm going to venture to say Grace is potty trained! I'm sure accidents are still going to happen from time to time, but no turning back now. Using 2 diapers a day is saving us too much money! I guess we will work on nap time and bedtime closer to age 3?
Saturday, June 28, 2008
little girls
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
check 1,2,3
Can anyone hear me? Is thing even on?
Emma is growing right before my eyes. I can't believe she is nearing the 4 month mark. She has learned to roll from her tummy to back, but not yet from tummy to back... probably b/c she really isn't a fan of her tummy. I'm sure she will be a rollin' fool in no time.
I've been taking lots of pictures of her (sorry for all the black/white ones... I've gone a little crazy) and she sure is looking more and more like her sister (when she was this age). Although Emma loves to stick her tongue out. It is precious. Here is some evidence.
Grace is as busy as ever. She is loving summer b/c that means swimming! She LOVES the pool and my mom has even gotten her to swim underwater to her... I guess I shouldn't say swim, but its pretty close. She is fearless, which scares me so much.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Father's Day 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
2nd day
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Banished to her crib...
Adam and I have been talking about moving Emma to her for a few weeks now.
She is just so quiet and good and sleeps so well in her little bassinet in our room we figured she could stay a while longer.
We moved Grace to her crib when she was just 6 weeks old, but it was a different story then. She was so noisy, always wiggling around and it would keep us up, plus it was our old house and it was much smaller and just down the hall from our room.
But now Emma's room is the farthest room from our room and all the way upstairs! I've been putting her in the crib for naps, but not at night.
Well she is currently asleep in her crib upstairs. We have the monitors turned on with the volume as high as it goes... hopefully we wont miss her too much.
I'm just so sad that she is growing so fast. Just trying to keep her little for as long as I can.
Who's the pretty girl in the mirror??
On another note... we still aren't having success with the bottle!! We have been trying every night. Adam is working from home tomorrow so we are going to try a mid-day feeding with another new bottle (the Brestflow from The First Years... a recommendation from one of you!). So far we have tried Avent, Playtex Ventaire and Nuk. We have also tried making the milk different temps... warm, cool, hot, etc... we have even tried freshly expressed milk vs previously frozen breast milk. Any other ideas?
Tonight she boycotted the milk for 45 minutes then we gave in. Oh and my mom, Adam, Adam's mom and I have all tried to give her a bottle. All unsuccessful.
What about maybe trying formula for when she gets a bottle? I was thinking maybe she gets confused that its breast milk, but not from the real thing... just a thought. It would so rare that she would get a bottle anyway, that I'm not opposed to doing formula if it mean I can a few hours away from my sweet little one. Maybe we just wont do bottles this time around... she will be a year in another 9 months... no big deal right?
And you can't get mad at this cute little face.
And she counts...
Well yesterday I was sitting at my desk (which is right next to the stairs) and I hear Grace going up the stairs counting away.... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 8, 9, 10!
I about ran for some q-tips to make sure I was hearing things right. I am so proud of my girl. I think she has known how to count for a while, but she had to do it when I wasn't looking. I was able to get her to do it for Adam, but when we called my dad and when I tried to get it on camera it was a no go. So for now you will just have to take my word. It's cute though.
Oh and she doesn't say 1 or 7... just starts with 2 and says 6 twice.
Now just to get her to say her ABC's... right now it goes something like this.... CCCCCCD. We're working on it. :) She will copy me one letter at a time, but when I ask her to sing her ABC's she says a lot of C's... so only 25 more letters to go!!
our weekend
Jameson being silly!
Grace and Jameson eating pizza at my cousin's birthday party
Lexi and Grace (1st cousin's once removed)... my girls are practically the same age as my uncle's girls... just an American family! :)
And Adam and I celebrating our anniversary with some yummy cake my mom made us. Thanks Mom!
And that's about it. I wasn't too fabulous at taking pictures this weekend... we were just too busy having fun and hanging out! We miss you already Alyssa and Jameson. Hope to see you guys again soon... and Nick too!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
5 years
Thursday, June 05, 2008
3 months
*You still are not a fan of tummy time or the bottle, but hopefully I will have something different to report on next month.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
a night out...
They really came into town to celebrate another friend's birthday. So my mom came over and watched all 3 girls! THANKS mom!
And Katy, Andy, Adam and I went to the party. This was really the first time I've left Emma for any real length of time. We had a great evening out. The girls did good for my mom except for my little one boycotting the bottle.
So seriously... what is the deal with my children? They apparently do NOT like bottles. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE breastfeeding. But being able to be away for more than 3 hours would be nice.
We had the same issue with Grace. We finally got her to take a Playtex Ventaire bottle... so naturally we have tried that with Emma and no go. We have also tried Avent bottles. We have tried other people giving her the bottle... Adam, my mom, Adam's mom... no go. Any other ideas?
Hmmm... I thought this post was suppose to be about my night out?!! Isn't it funny that even when you have a night away you end up just talking about your kiddos. :)