Oh Christmas tree... you're making my life so busy!

We finally finished decorating the tree and the house this past weekend. We decided NOT to pull out the big 6 foot Christmas tree and instead bought 2 new little table
top trees. The main reason is because Grace is into everything. I dediced on the small trees after she was driving my nuts with a small house plant that was on the floor. It was her favorite. She already tried eating the moss/ivy off that little plant twice so I didn't want to deal with broken ornaments. But on the other hand I couldn't possibly imagine not having a Christmas tree! So we will just have to wait until next year, when Grace (hopefully) will know the meaning of "No" and not just turn around and laugh at me when I say it. Yes she does laugh when I say no. So I'm pretty sure that word isn't very effective with a 9 month old baby. So anyhoo.... here is a picture of little trees that sit on top of my grandmothers buffet. We did have to put a couple gifts on the floor because of overflow and Grace LOVES those. She already unwrapped one gift (well just partly), but I caught her in the act so it was still salvagable!

The stockings were hung by the ...um, the front door...with care. No chimney for us! (I thought that was cute... I borrowed it from my friend,
Megan). My mom made each of our stockings. She made Adam and I's a couple years ago (that is why it doesn't say "mom" and "dad") and she just finished Grace's stocking last month. They each took her months to finish as each beed is hand sewn! I'm sure she is hoping that we don't have another baby for awhile.