Lots to report on here!
1. Bed progress - Grace is doing better. We have taken the Supernanny approach. THANKS so much for all the suggestions. First, we ended up putting her bed together and buying a rail and that seems to help keep her in more. She has gotten out, but only a couple times. I guess it makes it feel more like a crib. Over the past 5-6 nights we have gone from laying with her till she falls asleep to standing at her door. We do the normal bedtime routine... brush teeth, read books, turn on music, etc and she hops right into bed. We tuck her in and say "I'll be right here". And we walk to the door and just stand there for a few minutes. She will sometimes fuss for a minute after we close the door, but has normally fallen alseep. As far as her waking in the middle of the night... she is doing better. The last few nights she has only gotten up once and stayed in bed. I've gone in there and re-tucked her into bed and stood in her door way for a few minutes and it seems to do the trick. AMEN!!!!! So I've been able to get a bit more sleep. Thanks again. Hopefully things will keep going well. Here is a picture of Grace sleeping in her bed... she looks so tiny in the big bed!!

2. Photographers - Still loooking, but I've emailed a couple of the people that you guys suggested. I was so clueless that photographers are so expensive!! I've been lucky and had friend of friends take her pictures or we have gone to the Picture People and I've never spent more than $100 (including photos). But they are only little once right? Hopefully I will find someone quick! Thanks for your suggestions.
3. 4 weeks in counting... I'm due in 4 weeks... 28 days to be exact. I feel like I have everything to do. Although Emma's room is really coming along! I still have laundry to do and diapers to buy, but hey Walmart is open 24 hours right? I have an ultrasound tomorrow morning and we should be able to make sure its still a girl and see how big this baby is. It's weird because I haven't gained as much with this pregnancy, however I feel so much bigger. This baby is taking up every bit of space that I have. Hopefully this means that the weight I have gained will quickly be lost after her birth!!
4. Grace turning two! Several people have been asking what we are doing for her birthday... well since I'm too tired to throw a big party we are just having a small family dinner at Gattiland. Next year I think we will have a big party... and maybe just do a party every other year. I think it makes it more special then. But if you are just dying to buy her something she could use pajama's (2T) or any new fun toy or book (she loves books!).
5. We have been enjoying the nice warmer weather the last couple days. We let Grace play outside yesterday and she had a blast. Here are a few photos of her playing. Don't you just love her curls! The more humid it is the curly her hair! (Oh and just so you know our neighborhood is half finished, so they have houses popping upeverywhere... including across the street. That is why there is a port-a-potty in our neighbors lawn.... LOVELY huh!)