Tuesday, February 12, 2008

37+ Weeks

Today I had my weekly appointment and we have had a little progress! YEAH!!

I was still just 1 centimeter dialated, but I was 50% effaced and the baby is dropping! This is great news. The doctor even told me to make sure I was registered at the hospital (which I am now!) and to make sure we had a bag packed (which we still need to do!). So I'm sure since she told me those things the baby wont come for 3 more weeks. Which wouldn't be the end of the world, but Adam and I are just so anxious to meet Emma. I can't believe any day Adam and I will be parents of 2 little girls. It is sort of bitter sweet... the days of just Adam, Grace and I will be over and there will be a new little bundle to join our clan.

Also, in 2 short days my baby will be TWO! Where has the time gone? 2 years from tomorrow my water broke and I headed to the hospital to have my little Valentine. Time really does fly. I'm sure the girls will be teenagers before we know it and diapers and preschool will be the least of our worries. But until then I want to enjoy little moment of their lives!


The Lada Family said...

I didn't get a chance to tell you earlier on the phone... but "I HATE YOU! and IT'S NOT FAIR!" :-) If you have that baby before me I'm not goign to be your friend anymore!

April said...

Well...I'm brewing with excitement over here in TN for you!! I'll write you down in my prayer journal for an easy delivery and an easy transition into being a family of 4!!

A Perfect Pandemonium said...

Congrats!! Nothing like knowing the baby will be born in no time at all! My boys birthdays are two days apart, Feb 26th and Feb 28th and they are exactly two years apart!! It's tough at first but it's totally worth it!!

Tasha said...

WOW, I can't believe how fast your pregnancy seemed to go by. I know you and Adam are excited, and so are we!!!!
Hoping for a safe delivery!!!! Can't wait to meet baby Emma.

E said...

YEAH! Good luck Lisa!

Megan said...

Yay!! So exciting!!

And, since I'm a couple of days late reading your post...I get to say...Happy BIRTHDAY, Grace!!!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday to your 2 yr old girl!!!

E said...

2/14/08 - Happy 2nd birthday Grace!!!

M said...

happy 2nd b-day gracie - you are super cute - cade wants a date with you!