Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Bloggin break
Sunday, December 16, 2007
oh baby
Of course Sammie and Grace had to be in the picture. :)
Thursday, December 13, 2007
8 days!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Christmas picture
Monday, December 10, 2007
Christmas cards!
Anyway, several family and friend have emailed asking where to mail cards to... for now keep sending them to our Oklahoma address. We will have our mail forwarded when we move, plus I will send an email out as soon as we do move.
We are currently just waiting on an official closing date. We just found out today that we might be able to close next week! This would be awesome to move before Christmas!!!!
Anyway, can't wait to see everyone's cards (and hopefully cute pictures!).
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Christmas thoughts
This weekend we also started (and finished!) our Christmas shopping!! The last several weeks have been so busy with job and moving stuff that we haven't had time to focus on Christmas. I can't believe it is in just a couple weeks!
We also attempted a Christmas card picture... not much luck for a family photo so I got one of just Grace. Hopefully we can get those in the mail this week!
OH and I almost forgot we tried to do Santa, but the line was LONG!! Apparently Sunday's at 11 are bad. I guess because everyone is already dressed up for church they just head to Santa... who stole our idea? So we are going to try again hopefully this week or next. Gotta go see Santa right?
That's about it for my Christmas thoughts. I'm off to wrap Christmas presents. And maybe start packing... we move in 3 weeks (maybe sooner!!!).
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Our realtor
Anyway, if you or anyone you know is moving to/from Dallas/Ft.Worth he is the man you want! Check out his car here... you can't miss it driving down the road. OH and one cool thing he does, if you buy a house from him then he will sell your house for free! Check him out at www.teamnelson.com.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
She loves it!
Monday, December 03, 2007
A new home...
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
God is good. We will keep you posted.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Thanksgiving, house, baby and stuff...
Kaleb and Grace riding on rides at Chuck E Cheese!
Grace found a new friend... Annie. She carried the dog around all weekend... she was just the right size!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
My husband accepted a new job. WHOOP!
My husband quit his job here ... went very well.
I celebrated my birthday 3 nights in a row... yeah for no cooking!
I got lots of fun presents for my bday... a new Nicholas Sparks book (in hardback... I normally wait until its in paperback), a beautiful new coat, a Sonicare toothbrush (which I LOVE!), and a couple fun things from some girlfriends... including some Belly Butter from Burt's Bees... every pregnant woman should try it... its great!
We put our house on the market. We even had a showing yesterday and are suppose to have a couple more this next week.
I've cleaned my house more this week than I did the entire month of July. (If you remember I was pretty sick that month and cleaning wasn't in my vocabulary that month... nor was cooking!). Seriously though my house is so stinkin' clean.
Adam and I are meeting his parents today to drop off Grace. They are keeping her for the week! Well I guess for a few days. We will be going to their house on Wednesday. Until then we will be working on finding a new house and praying our current home sells so we can buy a new home!
So for now I'm just breathing and taking one day at a time. While we are super excited to be moving home, I'm just trying to take it slow and not get overwhelmed. Thanks for the prayers.
We actually ordered a St. Joseph on e-bay that I'm hoping will come very soon. Have you heard the old wives tales about a St. Joseph statue when trying to sell your house? Check it out here... anything is worth a shot :)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
We are leaving our little town in Okalahoma and heading to the bright lights of Texas! I think I'm still in shock. When Adam and I first moved to Oklahoma 5 years ago, we were just a few months out of college and we never thought we would be here this long. Not that his job wasn't good, we just thought he would do this job for a couple years then move back home to Texas. But that wasn't what God had in store... Adam earned a couple promotions along the way, I was able to stay home with Grace and we really started to like here. However, due to several changes and a growing family we started to think about moving home again. It's really hard to be away from family when you have little ones. We have been so blessed to have found so many wonderful friends here that will truly miss... hopefully they will come visit us.
After several months of searching for the right job and many many interviews later, Adam has accepted a position. We couldn't be more excited!! Our house here in OK goes on the market today. Hopefully it will be sold fast, but the average length of time a house in the market here is 120 days... so it could be a while. I also have no clue where this baby girl in my tummy will be born. Maybe the house will sell this week and we wont have to worry ourselves with that.
Anyway, I've been dying to tell everyone, but had to keep things quiet until it was official. So help us in praying for a smooth transition, move and new start in Texas!!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Friday, November 09, 2007
My Oreo baby
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
dentist drama
Monday, November 05, 2007
The news is in...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Hawaiian Punch
Saturday, October 27, 2007
hey hey
Friday, October 19, 2007
And everyone has been asking what we are going to name the baby... we have no clue! We like a couple names, but aren't ready to claim one for her yet. And no it will not be something like Faith or Hope. We like traditional, simple names. I'll let you know when we decide. Until then feel free to give any suggestions!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
It's a ....
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
20 months and 20 weeks...
Sunday, October 14, 2007
My pumpkin
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Mommy and Me
Monday, October 08, 2007
Home at last
Why am up blogging right now? Because I have to update my blog for my granny. :)
So here goes... last Thursday we left Oklahoma for a Texas tour. We stopped in the Big D for dinner with my mom and brother. It was a nice dinner. Then we headed to East Texas to drop Grace off with Adam's parents for the weekend. We didn't get there there till 10 so we went straight to bed. Unfortunately our alarm clock (AKA: Grace) got up early around 7. We brought Grace up to mother-in-laws school where she teaches and up to my father in laws work to show her off. She was a big hit in her new squeeker shoes. (I'll post about her shoes later... they are soooo stinkin' cute!).
Then after lunch we left our baby girl in good hands and headed to College Station, TX for a good 'ole Aggie football game. My uncle is Bob DeBesse... he is the wide receiver coach for A&M so we stayed at their house and hung out with all the other coaches wives and families. Friday night was hanging out while eating pizza! DOUBLE DAVES... yum!!
Then Saturday we headed to a tent sale where I managed to spend over $100 on Aggie gear. We don't get to Aggieland very often so I had to stock up. I got the cutest shirt for Grace that says "Aggie Chick"! I'll post a picture as soon I get one. We had lunch with some other friends that came into town for the game at the Chicken Oil. Double yum... but I forgot to order cheese fries, so I was craving them the rest of the day. Then off to TAILGATE! We tailgated with my family and all their Aggie friends. It was just so nice to hang out with my Aunt and cousins that I don't get to see very often. And finally the game. OH MAN. If you missed the Aggie game vs. OSU on Saturday night you missed an AWESOME game. The first half was boring for us since we were loosing by 17 points at the half, but then the Aggies decided to play some football. We ended up coming back and winning 24-23. It came down to the last couple minutes! What an emotional game. After the game we went to the Fox and the Hound (the only place that wasn't super busy or smokey), ate and hung out for a bit. Didn't get in till around 1:30 and didn't get to bed till about 2.
What were we thinking?? I'm a HUGE sleeper. I need a good 9 hours to function. But we had to get up at 9 to start driving to get Grace. And since I had to work today and since Adam is away on business for the week it has totally caught up with me and I'm tired. So I think I'm going to head to bed.
Here is a random assortment of pictures from the weekend. ENJOY!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
2 weeks and 2 days!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Getting better
Grace did great coming out of the anestesia. She was pretty upset at first and just wanted daddy, but within 2 hours she was trying to be her silly self. She is resting now... just pretty tired today, with a bloody nose off and off, but overall seems to be doing very well. I hate that we may have to put her under again.
Anyway, thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I wish I had brought my camera to take a picture of her before the surgery... she was such a cutie in her little gown that was WAY to big on her (and it was even a toddler gown). But here are a couple pictures of Grace on the mend. Sorry about the bloody nose in the first one, but it captures how she was feeling.
Daddy makes things all better!!
And on a less important note, I talked to my OB's office and they still want me to come in the morning. My OB is back but not really.... I might get to see him since I have one of the first appointments of the day, but I might not. Which means I might not be able to find out the sex. The crappy thing is that my OB normally has a ultrasound tech in his office on Thursdays, but not this week, then next week Adam will be out of town in Wisconsin! So not sure when we will find out what we are having. Maybe a couple weeks at worst :( I guess we will find out eventually. I'll post after my appointment tomorrow morning.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Stroller decision
Friday, September 28, 2007
So just curious... Was the Chinese Lunar Calendar right for the sex of your children?
It was right for Grace, but I don't know if that was just luck. Afterall, it is just a 50-50 guess. Anyway, just wanted to poll you ladies and see what I got. Click on this link HERE to go to a calendar if you haven't ever done one.
Oh and for this pregnancy it says I'm going to have a girl. But I'm really feeling boy... who knows. I guess I'll know this week. Either way we would be excited, we just want to know. And of course we want to know that the baby is healthy and growing like he/she should be!
Thanks again for the stroller recs. I still have no clue which I'm going to go with. I also had another friend recommend a Combi double b/c they are pretty compact. Who knows!
Update to above post:
We are suppose to have my ultrasound on Tuesday morning, however my OB just had his gall bladder out and had a few complications. He is the one that does all my ultrasounds so I'm suppose to call on Monday and see if I need to reschedule. At worst, if my appointment gets moved it will just be to Thursday when he has a ultrasound tech in his office. I'm really hoping my OB is well... he is pretty young and has never been out of the office for this long (4 weeks) in the 4 years he has been practicing. He has actually delivered every one of his patients babies except for 5! But now of course that changed.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Double Strollers here I come!
I can't imagine that in 5 months that my daughter is going to miraculously be able to walk independently while we are out and about, while the baby takes a ride in the stroller. Thus we need a bigger stroller. However, most double strollers are HUGE!
The Graco Duo Glider is the one I was leaning towards at first, but it is still just so big when it is folded down. I currently drive an Accord so its not like I have loads of storage space in my trunk. One good thing about the Duo Glider is that my cousin is selling hers, which is in great condition, for a great price of $100. But new I could get one from about $150.
Then I found the Sit 'n Stand Elite Double Stroller. It goes from a traditional double stroller (like the Duo Glider), but when your older child is ready it converts to a Sit 'n Stand where the older child has the option to sit on bench or stand. And it really isn't that pricey at just under $200.
There are also so many other brands and choices. I'm just really so confused. Thankfully I have a while before I have to make any big decisions, but I just wanted to see what else is out there that I might not know about.
So what has worked for you or what do you think would work for you if you don't have 2 kiddos yet. Thanks for your help!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Miss Pris
And an update to the peanuts allergy: Grace is doing GREAT (as you can see in the pictures). No rash anymore!! My friend has been telling all of our friends that Grace is allergic to peanuts... so sweet... she still just feel terrible. To be honest, I'm sort of happy that I know how Grace reacts to peanut butter, as bad as that might sound.
Well I'm off... nap time is over!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Let me give some background info first. When Grace was around a year she was having some constipation issues and the doctor thought it might be food related so we allergy tested her for the big ones... wheat, corn, milk, peanuts, etc. We found out that she though this allergy test that she was allergic to peanuts. So we have never given her peanuts.
Well yesterday morning, I dropped off Grace with a friend for 2 hours while I ran down to the hospital to sign some papers and get her pre-registered for her eye surgery on the 1st. Grace had already eaten breakfast and I knew I would be back before lunch so I only packed some Cheese-its for a snack. Well as things would have it, my friends kids got hungry and she fed them some peanut butter crackers and cheese sticks. And you know how kids are... if one of the has something they all want it. She actually didn't know that Grace was allergic to peanuts... I just never thought to tell her and this was the first time she has watched Grace for me without me there. Anyway, she thinks Grace only ate maybe one cracker because she was more interested in the cheese (she LOVES cheese!).
When I picked her up she seemed like her normal little self so I brought her home fed her lunch (just spaghetti that she has had a good hundred times) and laid her down for a nap.
After about 1.5 hours she got up screaming. She is normally my pro napper, sleeping for 2-3 hours most days and usually wakes up happy. I went into her room I noticed that her ears were really red and looked a bit swollen. Then I realized within seconds that she was scratching her tummy like she had just been bitten by 10,000 ants! I pulled up her and shirt to see huge welts... a VERY bad rash! I pulled her out of crib and inspected her body to realize she had bumps and redness everywhere... her arms, back, tummy, diaper area, legs! (It looked very similar to the rash she had when we found out she was allergic to penicillin.) I immediately called the doctor and they told me to give her Benadryl and come in immediately.
I loaded her up and drove to the doctors office (30 minutes away). By the time I got there she had stopped itching, but was still very red and her poor ears looked so big! (I wish I had taken a picture, but I was so scared that was pretty far from my mind).
I knew the doctor would want to know what she ate, but everything I fed her she has had many times before... oatmeal and a banana for breakfast and spaghetti for lunch. Then I thought maybe my friend fed her something, so I called her on the way and she told me about the crackers. I knew that was probably our culprit. He thought for sure that was it and gave her a steroid shot and a prescription for some other stuff to help her skin clear up. Which today looks so much better!!!
He also gave us a prescription for EpiPens. An EpiPen is just a shot that we push into her thigh if was having a severe allergic reaction... like is she was having a hard time breathing or swallowing.... give her the shot then get to the emergency room b/c it is only temporary. He wants us to have one on hand at all times in case of an emergency. He said since she reacted like that to such a small dose of peanuts he just wants us to be safe in case. Especially as she gets older.
So moral of the story... tell everyone that my child is allergic to peanuts!!
Oh and my friend feels terrible. She called at least 3 times yesterday to make sure she was better.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
A little of this and that....
On Saturday morning I was craving my usual everything bagel so I decided to go to Einstein's bagels which is just minutes from my parents house. All I have to say is gross! They put some extra seed on their everything bagels that make it disgusting... so I'm staying loyal to Panera Bread from now on.
Last Friday before heading out of town, I brought Grace to the opthomologist (spelling?) to see what we need to do about her clogged tear duct. It was decided after much thought and questioning that Grace will have surgery on her eye. In a nut shell, they will have to put her under, probe the duct and insert a tube in the tear duct. The tube will stay there for 3 months and then they will remove it. The surgery is scheduled for October 1st. I'll post more as I know more.
In other news, Grace has been a delight this week. The last couple of weeks I was beginning to think the terrible 2's were beginning, but thankfully my sweet baby girl is back. Hopefully to stay for a while... because my patience sure can't handle it right now. I blame it on the hormones.
I've been feeling really good the last week or so. AMEN!! I've only gotten sick briefly in the morning, but I am fine once I get something in my tummy. This little one sure is a hungry one! Two short weeks till we find out what we having. I can't believe it! This pregnancy really is going so quickly. I'm also so excited that I have so many friends and family that are preggo too and due within weeks of me. My friend Hailey is due February 18th, my friend Tiffany is due March 4th (I think... her date keeps changing), I'm due March 5th, my aunt Julie is March 9th, and my sister-in-law is due March 23rd. How exciting!!!! What do you bet that they all have their babies before me. For some reason I feel like this little one is going to hang out in my belly longer than I would like.
So I'm rambling now!! Oh I almost forgot... please check out my friend's new blog... MAMAVICE. It is really cool. It's basically a place to ask questions about your kiddos and get some advice from other mamas. Check it out!!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
bagels ... Part II
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Anyway, we did find out that in 3 short weeks we will find out if Grace has a brother or sister on the way. So stayed tuned till October 2nd!!
Sunday, September 09, 2007
But back to the cravings... the last few days I've been dying for an everything bagel from any type of bagel place. Seeing how I live in rural Oklahoma with NO bagels places in my town, I convinced Adam to drive me 30 minutes away to go to Panera Bread to buy me a dozen everything bagels. I was so excited! However, little did I know that once Panera Bread runs out of bagels for the day that is it... they make no more until the next day! So when I got to Panera Bread and ran in I learned this and I also learned that they only had ONE everything bagel left... so I bought the one everything bagel and I already ate it this morning. So now all I think about is what I am going to have for breakfast in the morning. I would totally drive the 30 minutes in the morning if I didn't have to work.
The thing that is more funny about this is up until 1 week ago I didn't even know I liked everything bagels... I always bought a plain bagel... maybe its the onion or garlic, but yummmmmm I just can't get it out of my mind. So the next chance I have I am on my way to Panera Bread to get me some everything bagels.
Enough of my ramblings... did anyone else have weird cravings like this? With Grace I really didn't crave much... sometimes candy (which I crave with this one too) and salty foods, but that was about it. How about you?
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Hey there
Then on Monday of this week (after getting back Sunday afternoon) Grace and I got back in the car and headed to see my friend Katie and her little girl Paige in East Texas... a 4.5 hour drive. We hung out, got pictures taken of the girls by one of Katie's friends (I'll post when I get them), went shopping at the Woodlands Mall and ate some yummy food. It was a nice little trip despite the fact that Grace didn't sleep well. She was waking up a couple times a night... which is hard when you are pregnant and tired and use to having a toddler that sleeps at least 11 hours at night! We headed home on Thursday. I have to say that Grace has really gotten to be pretty good in the car. After all it is pretty hard for a toddler to be restrained in a car seat for hours on end. Amen for portable dvd players!!
Here is a cute picture of Paige(3 months) and Grace(18 months). Grace did pretty good with Paige... despite the fact that she nearly sat on her several times, kicked her (on accident), and nearly smothered her with hugs she will make a good big sister in March. (I HOPE!)
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
dancing baby
Monday, August 27, 2007
We'll keep her...
Friday, August 24, 2007
Boy or Girl?
All the questions have started including ones about the sex of the baby. Here are my answers to the ones I've been asked a lot lately!
What do you think you are having? A boy. Why? Not sure... just a feeling I guess. Although I did think I was having a boy with Grace and well we all know that she is far from a boy.
Do you want a boy or girl? This is a tough question. For us, it would be wonderful for Grace to have a sister and we also have a few pink things already on hand. But at the same time, a boy would be fun too, to have something different and buy all new blue things. I don't think that God wouldn't give us anything we couldn't handle!
Are you going to find out what you are having? OF COURSE! I think if it were 1950 and I wasn't able to find out what I was having then I would be fine with that, but since I can find out why not. Plus if you know me you know that I'm a huge planner and I would probably die of anxiety if I waited until the baby was born.
Do you have any names yet? Yes... we have a girl name, but no boy name. Not sure if we are ready to annouce the girl name yet since we might not have a girl and we may still change out minds. Shoot we didn't decide on Grace's name until I was nearly due. If you have any cute boy names that go well with Grace let me know!
So to keep things fun... What do you think we are having? We will all find out in 6 weeks time... early October!!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
well check today!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Pig Tails and 12 teeth...
OH and I did want to tell everyone that I've been feeling MUCH better. I've only gotten sick a few times in the last week and it wasn't near as bad as it was. I've been able to eat more... in fact I've quite a little appetite already! So I'm sure I'll be putting on the pounds in no time!!